31 décembre 2006

Juste à temps


Première et dernière découverte australienne de l'année : Xavier Rudd (chanteur, auteur-compositeur, multi-instrumentiste...)

I I I sit at my window
With everything I've done
Doors that I've opened
The herbs that i've spun

And the candle beside me
it burns to the left
and the rain on the clay
sends the lizard to it's nest

will there be a time
when i'll hold you again
With my arms spread out
My chest you'll rest

And I'll write you a letter
With everything I know
’bout the weight of the world
And the way things could go

So live up my friend
Step back again
For somethings will be given
For some you'll have to bend
You’ ll have to bend my friend
To hold on to this
For somethings will come easy
And some will be a test
(You’ll have to bend)

Now the ocean connects me
To everything i know
I’m mellowing my mind
So my heart, it can call

With these trees as my witness
I'll slice up some fruit
And each to their peacefull
good intentions and truth

There will be a time
when i'll hold you again
With my arms spread out
I will dive right in

So now here is your letter
With everything I know
’Bout the weight of the world
And the way things could go

So live up my friend
Step back again
For somethings will be given
For some you'll have to bend
You’ll have to bend my friend
To hold on to this
For somethings will come easy
And some will be a test
You’ll have to bend

Now the ocean connects me
To everything I know
I’m mellowing my mind
So my heart, it can call

With these trees as my witness
I'll slice up some fruit
And each to their peacefull
good intentions and truth

There will be a time
When i'll hold you again
With my arms spread out
I will dive right in

So now here is your letter
With everything I know
’bout the weight of the world
And the way things could go

ah oui j'allais oublier : bonne année!!!

4 commentaires:

Will a dit…

merci qui pour la decouverte? ;) pour une fois que ca marche dans ce sens, il faudrait le preciser :D

Mathilde et Jean-Philippe a dit…

oki alors je précise : merci will de m'avoir fait découvrir cet artiste australien :p

nop nop nop a dit…

Bubu rude?

Mathilde et Jean-Philippe a dit…

et oui encore un Bubu ca se multiplie a une vitesse les Bubu : il va falloir faire attention...